organic foods supplements about us

Over the years, the drive to improve the yields per hectre of agricultural produce has led to the introduction of varying chemicals and biotech devices into farming. The drive has also led to massive commercialization of agriculture. This is not unexpected given the great leap in global population and continuous conversion of farm land to industrial, commercial and housing use. To further boost farm yields beyond the chemical boost, the new craze of genetically modulated products with the attendant probability of altering the natural; nutrients contents of our edible agricultural products has assumed frightening dimension

With the increase in use of chemicals in farming – nay agriculture comes the increase in human health misery across the whole World.  The consciousness of the need to tone down the impact of these health challenges and promote wholesome and healthful living has necessitated the birth of Organic Africa Market Ltd [also known as OAM. The market, visual and online is providing pocket – friendly opportunities for all to embrace wholesome living and sustain not only the earth but humanity. OAM is providing world – wide opportunities to the home sector to shop for organic foods, herbs, spices, personal care and farm fresh with ease and from their bedrooms

I welcome you all to this platform and enjoin you to share our Vision and what we offer to your associates and family members.

I sincerely remain yours
Rev./Dr. Felix Jehoshua A. Adeduro.


The Vision of Organic Africa Market Ltd is to create a total platform for all across the whole World to access organic and wholesome foods, medicines, herbs, spices and personal care that are produced to enhance individual and total wellness for all races.


We provide equal opportunities to all Nationals around the World.  The great understanding is that we are all same and connected as Children of God. As such, we have assembled people [ and still adding more] from all over the World that share uncommon love and are fully disposed to meet you as you log on to this platform or visit our correspondent offices around the World with love and enchanting smiles on their faces.


  1. Shared love
  2. Alluring integrity
  3. Passion to serve and
  4. Healing through God’s hands.


The Word of God states in The Holy Bible that the healing of Nations shall come from the leaves of the plant.  Over the years, it is becoming clear that there is greater need to go back to plants for solution to myriads of human health challenges. Organized researches are being carried out on daily basis to unravel how medicinal benefits of various plants can benefit humanity in our search for effective health care delivery. A host of Countries across the World has also come up with body of knowledge on the use of herbs for healing purposes and records have it that humanity is having it better with the integration of natural medicine into global health care delivery.

Here, visitors to this platform are granted opportunities to access wide array of health – giving certified organic herbs and products from established and renowned companies around the World.


A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food.  Many spices have antimicrobial and medicinal properties. In this platform, we have presented our visitors, corporate or individual, partners and buyers a wide range of spices.


This platform provides opportunity to health – conscious people to access personal care such as soaps, creams, kitchenettes, beddings, clothing, vanities and ointments that are user – friendly.


Quite a lot of health challenges are products of the food we eat on daily basis.  Quite a lot of the foods we have out in the market are products of bio – tech manipulations and chemicals. OAM provides wide – ranging farm fresh food items and plants to our global customers. Food items listed are to be harvested fresh and delivered fresh without preservatives.

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